Sibanda fled repeated rape attempts from her brother-in-law, seeking to claim her as his second wife when her husband passed away.  An Immigration Judge denied her asylum application, finding that she had no produced any affidavits, police reports, or country conditions reports that verified these sexual assaults.  The Seventh Circuit reversed, finding that such corroborating documentation was not reasonably available, and thus, the failure to produce it could not be grounds for denying Sibanda's application.  In so holding, the court recognized that members of Sibanda's family and tribe, who had repeatedly urged her to marry her brother-in-law because tribal custom dictated that she do so, were unlikely to provide affidavits corroborating her assertion that they failed to protect her from harm.  It was similarly unreasonable to expect that the police would verify such an assertion.  As for country conditions reports, the Judge used a wikipedia article (a copy of which was not provided to Sibanda) to quiz her about "bride price" customs.  The Judge did not, however, see fit to consult more reliable and available reports from the U.S. and Australian government that confirmed Sibanda's claim.  


The full text of Sibanda v. Holder can be found here:
